Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Super Saiyan Blue Mod
Goku and Gohan training in the opening
Broly and Janemba use a tornado attack in the opening
Majin Buu destroys a city with his Flame Shower Breath
Vegeta facing Broly and Janemba in the opening
LSS Broly in the opening
Vegeta and Goku perform the Fusion Dance
LSS Broly fighting Gogeta in the opening
LSS Broly fighting Gogeta in the opening
Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks in the opening
The Z Fighters engage in a beam struggle with the villains
Main Menu
Fasha kicking Bardock
Fasha charging a Full Power Energy Wave
Fasha firing her Full Power Energy Wave
Fasha fighting Bardock
Great Ape Bardock
Bardock slamming Dodoria into the ground
Frieza's spaceship above Planet Vegeta
Bardock fires a Rush Ki Wave at a Frieza Soldier
Bardock flies at Frieza
Yamcha and Chi-Chi
Chi-Chi attacks Yamcha
Goku looks at the moon
The Full Moon rises
Goku about to transform into a Great Ape
General Blue dodges Chi-Chi's first beam
Goku attacks General Blue
Chi-Chi's blade flying towards General Blue
Goku attacking General Blue again
Chi-Chi fires the finishing beam of Save Goku!
Tao uses his Ultimate Final Strategy
Grandpa Gohan's Turtle School Tranquility
Tien Shinhan vs. Kid Goku
Tien trips Kid Goku
Yajirobe using the Miracle Ka-Blam Slash
Yajirobe finishes his Miracle Ka-Blam Slash
Kid Goku's False Courage
Kid Goku uses his Grapple Throw
Kid Goku performs his Counterattack! rush
Kid Goku uses his Counterattack! rush
Goku uses Penetrate!
The Great Ape aura of Penetrate!
Goku defeats King Piccolo
Kid Goku sees the moon
Great Ape Goku uses Howl
Great Ape Goku uses his Grapple Throw
Cyborg Tao fires his Super Dodon Wave
Super Garlic Jr. uses his Darkness Illusion
Super Garlic Jr. clotheslines Piccolo
Super Garlic Jr. grabs Piccolo
Super Garlic Jr. about to slam Piccolo
Krillin uses a Destructo Disc
Krillin charges a Kamehameha
Piccolo charges an Explosive Demon Wave
Piccolo fires his Explosive Demon Wave
Nappa charges a Volcano Explosion
Nappa's Volcano Explosion
Goku attacks Nappa
Goku kicks Vegeta away
Goku kicks Vegeta again
Goku smashes Vegeta to the ground
Goku uses his Grapple Throw
Vegeta (Scouter) uses his Grapple Throw
Goku prepares the Kaio-ken Attack
Goku uses his Kaio-ken Attack on Vegeta
Vegeta (Scouter) uses an Explosive Wave
Vegeta (Scouter) charges a Galick Gun
Vegeta (Scouter) fires his Galick Gun
Goku's Kamehameha clashing with Vegeta's Galick Gun
Goku (Early) uses the Spirit Bomb
Goku (Early) launching his Spirit Bomb
Vegeta creates a Power Ball
Great Ape Vegeta charges a Super Galick Gun
Great Ape Vegeta fires his Super Galick Gun
Great Ape Vegeta uses his Grapple Throw on Goku
King Vegeta prepares a Power Ball
Great Ape King Vegeta vs. Super Saiyan Goku
Cui firing a Full Power Energy Wave
Vegeta performs his Dirty Fireworks
The explosion from the Dirty Fireworks
Vegeta prepares a Final Galick Cannon
Vegeta fires his Final Galick Cannon
Vegeta's opponent sent away after the Final Galick Cannon usage
Goku punching Recoome in the gut
Burter and Jeice perform the Purple Comet Attack on Broly
Nail fires a Full Power Energy Wave at Frieza
Nail stalls for time
Frieza using his Punishing Rush
Frieza finishing the rush with a backhand
Frieza charges a Punishing Blaster
Frieza firing his Punishing Blaster
Piccolo kicking Frieza
Goku deflects Frieza's Ki Blast
Goku uses the Meteor Combination
Goku ends his Meteor Combination
Frieza dodges Goku's punch
Goku (Mid) prepares a Kaio-ken Kamehameha
Goku (Mid) charges the Kaio-ken Kamehameha
Goku (Mid) fires his Kaio-ken Kamehameha
Goku (Mid) uses Give Me Energy!
Goku (Mid) prepares a Spirit Bomb
Goku (Mid) throws his Spirit Bomb at Frieza
Goku (Mid) turning Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan Goku
Super Saiyan Goku (Mid) using "Now I'm Mad!"
Frieza prepares a Barrage Death Beam
Frieza uses an Imprisonment Ball on Goku
Frieza charges Destroy The Planet!
Frieza fires Destroy The Planet!
Namek explodes
Frieza's Long awaited-for 100%
100% Power Frieza dodges Goku's attacks
Goku vs. Frieza
Goku uses his Meteor Smash
Super Saiyan Goku (Mid) using Angry Kamehameha
Future Gohan uses the Full Power Charge
Future Gohan charges a Masenko
Future Gohan uses a Super Kamehameha
Future Gohan's one-handed Super Kamehameha
Future Gohan kicks Android 17 in the back
Future Gohan ends his Fierce Combination
Android 17 charges a Photon Flash
Android 17 firing his Photon Flash
#18 and #17 attack Future Gohan
The androids attack Future Gohan
The androids hit Future Gohan
The androids kick Future Gohan
The androids kick Future Gohan down
The androids fire the Power Falling Star at Future Gohan
The androids firing their Power Falling Star
Mecha Frieza's Long awaited-for 100%
King Cold uses his King's Dignity
Dr. Wheelo
Master Roshi and Dr. Wheelo face off
Dr. Wheelo punching Master Roshi
Dr. Wheelo fires the Photon Strike
Salza charges a Full Power Energy Wave
Android 19 absorbs a Kamehameha
Super Saiyan Vegeta uses his Amazing Impact on Android 19
Android 18 uses Infinity Bullet
Android 18 fires her Infinity Bullet
Android 18 uses Destructo Disc
Android 18 uses the Sadistic 18 elbow
Android 18 kicks Vegeta
Android 18 throws Vegeta away
Android 18 turns around in Sadistic 18
Android 18 fires the Sadistic 18 finger beam
Imperfect Cell's Solar Flare
Super Saiyan Future Trunks and Vegeta meeting up on a Glacier
Cell transforms
Cell fires the Big Bang Crash
Cell absorbing Android 18
Krillin attacks Cell
Vegeta uses Full Power
Vegeta firing a Galick Gun at Cell
Super Saiyan Vegeta's Grapple Throw
Super Saiyan Vegeta uses his Amazing Impact
Super Saiyan Vegeta's Amazing Impact
Super Vegeta uses his Spirit Breaking Cannon
Super Vegeta's Grapple Throw
Super Vegeta's Grapple Throw
Super Vegeta faces Perfect Cell
Vegeta powers up
Vegeta challenges Cell
Cell about to be hit by the Final Flash
Super Vegeta's Final Flash
Vegeta laughs
Future Trunks powers up to fight Perfect Cell
Android 13 prepares a S. S. Deadly Bomber
Super Android 13's S. S. Deadly Bomber
Goku (End) prepares an Instant Kamehameha
Goku (End) fires his Instant Kamehameha
Goku (End) fires his Super Energy Wave Volley
The Cell Games Arena
Gohan uses his Unforgivable power up
Gohan's grapple throw
Gohan prepares a Standing Kamehameha
Gohan charges the Standing Kamehameha
Gohan fires his Standing Kamehameha
Perfect Cell vs. Gohan
Cell uses Instant Transmission
Super Saiyan Vegeta fires a Maximum Flasher
Cell charging his Solar Kamehameha
The Father-Son Kamehameha
Future Trunks' energy absorbed by Cell
Future Trunks kicking Cell in the air
Future Trunks fires his Burning Attack
Cell absorbs Future Trunks' energy
Future Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan
Bojack kicking Goku
Gohan uses his Unforgivable power up
Gohan's Unforgivable power up
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan faces Turles
Pikkon using his Burning Shoot
Pikkon about to elbow his opponent
Pikkon using his Hyper Tornado
Super Saiyan Gohan uses the Full Power Charge
Broly uses his Omega Blaster
Gohan blocks the Omega Blaster
Broly's Omega Blaster
Spopovich kicks his opponent in the air
Spopovich about to punch Videl to the ground
Spopovich throws Videl back in the air
Spopovich knocks his opponent away
Gohan uses the Full Power Charge
Majin Buu Resurrection
Pui Pui with Babidi
Pui Pui fires his Nice Shot
Yakon appears
Great Saiyaman kicking Dabura
Gohan fires Full Power Energy Blast Volley
Super Saiyan Gohan uses the Full Power Charge
Goku dodges Majin Vegeta's Final Impact
Goku dodges Majin Vegeta's attacks
Goku kicking Majin Vegeta away
Goku charges at Majin Vegeta with a Dragon Dash
Super Saiyan 2 Goku uses Z-burst dash against Majin Vegeta
Goku firing a Kamehameha at Majin Vegeta
Supreme Kai uses his Energy's Last
Majin's Awakening
Majin Vegeta uses his Final Impact
Majin Vegeta's Final Impact
Majin Vegeta bids farewell to friends and family and prepares his Final Explosion
Majin Vegeta uses his Final Explosion
Babidi using his Wizard Barrier
Babidi uses his Demon Eye
Babidi prepares his Ultimate Power
Babidi fires a beam of stolen energy
Supreme Kai restrained by the Demon Eye
Goten and Trunks perform the Fusion Dance
Majin Buu charging an Angry Explosion
Super Gogeta uses the Rolling Hammer on Super Janemba
Super Gogeta uses the Rolling Hammer on Super Janemba
Super Gogeta about to use a second Rolling Hammer on Super Janemba
Super Gogeta uses his Stardust Breaker
Super Gogeta kicks Janemba away
Super Gogeta tosses the Stardust Breaker
Super Gogeta fires his Big Bang Kamehameha
Old Kai appears in the Sim Dragon mode
Super Buu uses a Chocolate Beam
Super Buu next to his chocolate opponent
Ultimate Gohan using Power up to the Very Limit
Gohan attacks Super Buu using his Burst Rush
Kibito Kai
Goku tosses a Potara earring to Vegeta
Vegeta catches the Potara
Goku and Vegeta fuse
Vegito charges a Super Kamehameha
Super Vegito
Super Vegito's Super Kamehameha
Super Vegito charges the Final Kamehameha
Super Vegito fires the Final Kamehameha
Super Vegito kicks Super Buu in the stomach
Super Vegito kicks Super Buu
Super Vegito uses his Spirit Sword
Earth explodes
Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta and Goku charge their ki
Super Saiyan 2 Goku uses Full Power
Goku (End) uses his Meteor Smash
Super Saiyan 3 Goku using Power up to the Very Limit
Super Saiyan 3 Goku vs. Kid Buu
Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta's Grapple Throw
Kid Buu attacks
Kid Buu kicking Vegeta
Kid Buu punches Vegeta in stomach
Kid Buu about to slam Vegeta into the ground
Vegeta (End)'s Grapple Throw
Goku (End) fires his Super Spirit Bomb
The Namekian Dragon Balls are activated
Porunga appears
Goku (End) detonates his Super Spirit Bomb
Tapion uses his Brave Sword Attack
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Super Saiyan 3 Goku
Goten faces Goku near their house
Goten faces Trunks on Mount Paozu
Pan orders Giru to attack
Giru performs Gill Missile
Pan covers her ears while Giru fires the Gill Missile
Uub performs his Blazing Barrage Palm
Great Ape Baby fires a Super Galick Gun
Baby Vegeta fires a Rush Ki Wave at Super 17
Baby Vegeta uses his grapple throw on Nappa
GT Goku uses the Dragon Fist
GT Goku's the Dragon Fist as a Super Saiyan 3
GT Goku finishes his Dragon Fist with a Super Kamehameha
The opponent is obliterated by GT Goku's Dragon Fist
Nuova Shenron attacks
Nuova Shenron hits Goku
Nuova Shenron uses his Blaster Meteor
Nuova Shenron in a ball of fire
Nuova Shenron finishes the attack
Goku threatens Omega Shenron
Super Saiyan 4 Goku's Dragon Fist
Super Saiyan 4 Goku firing the 10x Kamehameha
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta uses the Final Shine Attack
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta fires his Final Shine Attack
Omega Shenron
Omega Shenron uses his Dragon Thunder
Super Saiyan 4 Goku's alternate color
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta's alternate color
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta prepares his ultimate attack
Gogeta prepares a 100x Big Bang Kamehameha
The 100x Big Bang Kamehameha is charged
Gogeta fires his 100x Big Bang Kamehameha
Omega Shenron charges a Minus Energy Power Ball
Omega Shenron fires a Minus Energy Power Ball
GT Goku uses Full Power
GT Goku charges his Universal Spirit Bomb
GT Goku's Universal Spirit Bomb
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta faces Broly
Source: https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Ball_Z:_Budokai_Tenkaichi_3
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